Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bacon, Brie, and Lambsquarter Frittata

Last week we had an overabundance of eggs, due to the fact that I had purchased some from Earth Fare the week before that never got used, then Ruby and Rouge started laying, then I forgot that they started laying and bought another dozen eggs at the farmers market. So we had 2 dozen plus 2 eggs (26 total, I suppose), all dressed up with nowhere to go. 

We also had some brie languishing in the fridge (because somehow I'm tired of brie right now?!) and the hugest lambsquarter bush thing (ok, actually like 5 of them) in the front garden. The perfect time for a frittata, which is the best method for getting rid of fridge remnants.

If you prefer something with a crust, make this into a quiche instead! I think this dish would be perfect for just about any meal, particularly brunch, but we had it for dinner with a side salad and homemade whole wheat rolls (the ones that almost caused me to burn the house down).

Bacon, Brie, and Lambsquarter Frittata

2 slices bacon
8 eggs (pastured or free range)
Handful lambsquarter or fresh spinach
1/4 round of Brie (about 2 oz)
Splash of milk, half and half, or cream
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 375.

Fry two slices of thick-cut bacon. Crumble bacon into pieces. 

Beat eggs and add milk or cream and a bit of salt and pepper. Mix together eggs, bacon, brie, and lambsquarter in the pan and cook on medium for 4-5 minutes or until the egg mixture begins to set. 

Broil in oven for 3-4 minutes or until the frittata has set. Enjoy!

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