Monday, July 23, 2012

Curry Fried Egg and Toast with Honeyed Goat Cheese

After over a month of waiting, we got our first beautiful, pale pinky-brown egg. I have a story about the outer condition of the egg but that is a story for another day when I won't be writing about eggy food things. 

 By the way, this eggy food thing is delicious. So delicious that when I first discovered it I had to have it daily, sometimes twice daily, sometimes at 1 a.m., causing friends to speculate that I was pregnant (not yet!).

 I was inspired by this post about Curry Fried Eggs on my friend Miranda's wonderful food blog. She no longer blogs much, but has some amazing posts and tasty recipes.

This is the most perfectly complete breakfast imaginable. The tang of the goat cheese offsets the heartiness of the eggs, a hint of sweetness comes through with the jam (or honey), and Ezekiel toast is the perfect nutty foil to it all. Did that sound properly foodie-ish? I'm just trying to give this amazing dish the laud it deserves.

 Curry Fried Egg and Toast with Honeyed Goat Cheese

One egg, lovingly raised (free range / pastured will make all the difference)
Honey or fruit jam
Ezekiel bread 
Sea salt and fresh ground pepper
Curry powder 
Soft goat cheese (a basic chevre will work just fine)

Make a good old fashioned fried egg. I like to let the whites set, then "pop" the yolk so it will cook through, but if you like a runny yolk go for it. Before you flip the egg, dust the top with curry powder, salt, and pepper.

Meanwhile, toss a piece of Ezekiel bread in the toaster. When it is done, smear it with a generous amount of honey or fruit jam, then top with an equally generous amount of goat cheese. Slide the fried egg on top. Take a bite. Declare to your husband that this just might be as good as sex. Eat a second round against your better judgment. Be full and very happy.

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